Heat Transfer Laboratory
Faculty: Dr. Richard J. Goldstein
Some Recent Archival Publications [2015-Current]
- “Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection of compressed gas: effect of sidewall thermal conductance”, Srinivasan, V., Madanan, U. and Goldstein, R.J., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 182, p.121965, Jan. 2022
- “Implementation of Rectangular Vortex Generator Pairs to Improve Film Cooling Effectiveness on Transonic Rotor Blade Endwall”, Li, J., Yan, X., He, K. and Goldstein, R.J., Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(9), p.091022, Sep. 2021
- “Study of the effect of surface wettability on droplet impact on spherical surfaces”, Liu, X., Wang, K., Fang, Y., Goldstein, R.J. and Shen, S., International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 15(3), pp.414-420, Aug. 2020
- “Effect of freestream turbulence on recovery factor of a thermocouple probe and its consequences”, Kulkarni, K.S., Madanan, U. and Goldstein, R.J., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 152, p.119498, May 2020
- “High-Rayleigh-number thermal convection of compressed gases in inclined rectangular enclosures”, Madanan, U. and Goldstein, R.J., Physics of Fluids, 32(1), p.017103, Jan. 2020
- “Effect of Sidewall Conductance on Nusselt Number for Rayleigh-Bénard Convection: A Semi-Analytical and Experimental Correction”, Madanan, U. and Goldstein, R.J., ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 141(12), p. 122504, Dec. 2019
- “Simplified correlations for free convection from a horizontal isothermal cylinder”, Goldstein, R. J., Madanan, U. and Kuehn, T. H., Applied Thermal Engineering, v 161 C, p.1138322019, October 2019
- “Experimental investigation on very-high-Rayleigh-number thermal convection in tilted rectangular enclosures”, U. Madanan and R. J. Goldstein, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 139 C, pp. 121-129 (8 pp.), August 2019
- “Thermal Convection in Horizontal Rectangular Enclosures at Moderate Rayleigh Numbers: Effect of Sidewall Conductance and Aspect Ratio”, U. Madanan and R. J. Goldstein, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 136 C, pp. 178-185 (8 pp.), June 2019
- “Prediction and correction of sidewall conductance for natural convection in horizontal enclosures”, U. Madanan and R. J. Goldstein, Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference., Beijing, China, Aug. 10-15, 2018 (pp. 2731-2740)
- “Experimental Validation of a Boundary Layer Convective Heat Flux Measurement Technique”, K. S. Kulkarni, U. Madanan, T. W. Simon, R. J. Goldstein, Journal of Heat Transfer, 140(7), p. 074501, Mar. 2018
- “Lateral Edge Effects on the Sherwood Number in Turbulent Flow Over a Flat Plate”, M. E. Taliaferro, F. Fassio, F. Gori, T. W. Simon, R. J. Goldstein, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 140(2), p. 023001 (12pp.), Feb. 2018
- “The heat / mass transfer analogy for a backward facing step”, R. Mittal, U. Madanan, R.J. Goldstein, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 113 C, pp. 411-422 (12 pp.), Oct. 2017
- “Experimental validation of heat / mass transfer analogy for two-Dimensional laminar and turbulent boundary layers”, K. S. Kulkarni, U. Madanan, R. Mittal, R. J. Goldstein, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 113 C, pp. 84-95 (12 pp.), Oct. 2017
- “Modeling and Measurements of Heat/Mass Transfer in a Linear Turbine Cascade”, F. Papa, U. Madanan, R. J. Goldstein. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery 139(9), p. 091002 (12pp.), Sep. 2017
- “Corrections for lateral conduction error in steady state heat transfer measurements”, D. Sarkar, A. Jain, R. J. Goldstein, V. Srinivasan, International Journal of thermal Sciences, v 109, pp. 413–423, Nov. 2016
- “Local heat transfer on a finite width surface with laminar boundary layer Flow”, M. E. Taliaferro, M. Angelino, F. Gori, R.J. Goldstein, Applied Thermal Engineering, v 101, pp. 686-692, May 2016
- “Thermal Convection in Porous Media at High Rayleigh Numbers”, D. J. Keene and R. J. Goldstein, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, v 137(3), p 034503-1-4, Mar. 2015